Welcome to Year 5!

Class 5M

Teachers - Mrs McLaren

Class 5K

Teacher - Mrs Kular and Mrs Walker

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Walsh, Miss Wilson, Mrs Katzenmier and Ms Oates



5K's PE days are Monday and Friday 

5M's PE days are Monday and Friday


Children should log onto TT Rockstars every week and complete the questions in Garage - these are questions that have been specifically set by the class teachers. The expectation is that they complete 5 games every week. 

Homework (including spellings) will be uploaded to Google Classroom every Friday at 3:30pm and is expected back on the following Friday.

Additional are sent home to help your child consolidate the week's learning as an optional homework.


You must read at least 5x a week at home and record this in your reading record. Children are expected to write a sentence about what they have read every day. Parents sign the reading record for the teachers to check every Friday. Reading books can be changed on a Monday and Friday. There is a termly reading challenge in the reading record for your child to work towards. 

 Termly Curriculum Overview

Parent information


We will be reading Viking Boy, written by Tony Bradman. 

Synopsis: Gunnar Bjornsson, a Viking, lives with his parents on their farmstead – an idyllic place to grow up.  Gunnar had a happy childhood but everything changed the night the Wolf Men came.  They murdered his father and Gunnar escaped after watching Valkyries descend from the sky and take the body of his father to the halls of Valhalla. 

Gunnar vowed to avenge this act by travelling to Valhalla to bring back his father so they could defeat the leader of the Wolf Men.  On his journey, Gunnar was met by setbacks.  Being kidnapped and sold into slavery was not part of his plan.  However, with the help of some loyal friends he makes, he goes  to the Land of Ice and Fire, across The Rainbow Bridge to Asgard and enters the Hall of Valhalla.


Throughout the half-term, we will write a range of diary entries, Viking sagas and letters as we immerse ourselves into the Viking way of life.  

Below, you will find examples of vocabulary and terminology that we are focusing on in Year  5. 


100 best books for children. Finding it hard to find a book your child likes? 

Try one of these websites.






We will be learning about Earth and Space. Some facts about Space to get the children interested! 

  • The Apollo space program was named after the Greek god Apollo who was the god of light and music.
  • The gravity on the Moon is just one-sixth of the Earth’s, so you would weigh less on the Moon. You could jump higher and carry much heavier things too!
  • If you want to see lots of shooting stars (also known as meteors) you should keep an eye out for meteor showers. You’ll need to go somewhere dark so you can see them, so ask a grown-up to arrange that for you.
  • Stars come in different colours depending on their temperature. Cooler stars appear red, while hotter stars look blue or white. Our Sun is a medium-hot star, so that’s why it appears yellow.
  • Black holes are mysterious and powerful. They form when massive stars collapse at the end of their life cycle. They have such strong gravity that not even light can escape from them. While they might sound scary, you don't have to worry about them; the nearest black hole is thousands of light-years away from Earth.
  • Light travels incredibly fast, at about 186,282 miles per second (299,792 kilometres per second). This speed is so fast that travelling at the speed of light, you could go around the Earth 7.5 times in just one second.
  • The universe is about 13.8 billion years old. That's a very long time. To put it in perspective, if the entire history of the universe were compressed into one year, humans would only appear on December 31st at about 11:58pm.



This half-term, we will be learning about the Vikings.
Just a few Viking facts to ponder over!

  • Vikings didn't wear horned helmets. ...
  • Vikings didn't call themselves Vikings. ...
  • They loved blonde hair! ...
  • Vikings made their own boats and ships. ...
  • The Vikings worshipped Gods! ...
  • What does Viking mean? ...
  • The days of the week are named after Viking Gods. ...
  • Vikings loved to eat fish!


This half term, the children will be learning "What does it mean to be a Muslim". There is lots of information on this website to give the children some background knowledge about the topic: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0110kt3


Art & Design

In Autumn 1, the children will look at the work of Alma Thomas to create their own work inspired by her style. Thomas became an important role model for women, African Americans, and older artists. She was the first African American woman to have a solo exhibition at New York's Whitney Museum of American Art, and she exhibited her paintings at the White House three times.


We are singing in Music this half term! We will preform, appraise and sing a range of songs from musicals, performing in an ensemble. 


We will cover a wide range of topics in PSHE this year, both inside and outside of our PSHE lessons. During Good to be Different Day, we celebrate differences and see how we can learn from others; we tackle some very important and current issues in our No Outsiders lessons; discuss showing "Racism the Red Card" as we explore stereotyping and have learn how to keep ourselves (mind and body) healthy. 


In PE, we are learning skills in Dancing and Football.



This term, to consolidate our learning in Science, we are learning about the planets. The children will name the planets in the solar system and pretend to be an astronaut, answering questions about themselves! 


In Computing, we are learning to create a non-linear interactive story game using Google Slides.  This is challenging us not only in our computing skills but our story telling too!


This half-term, we will be looking at place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division and fractions. 


We will use fluency and reasoning questions along with problem solving activities to embed learning. 

Below, you will find some useful vocabulary and concepts that we cover in Year 5.

A great activity to practice and consolidate times-table recall!

Community Project

This year we will be partnering up with Havering Talking Newspaper to record articles about school life and share some of our work.  Havering Talking Newspaper provide recorded copies of the local news to Havering's visually impaired community.