Imagine...with all your mind, Believe...with all your heart, Achieve...with all your might.

Our Governing Body

The Governing Body is made up of a number of people who have volunteered to use their skills, time and experience for the benefit of the school.

The Governing Body is made up of:

  • Parent Governors - elected by the parents at the school;
  • Staff Governors (teachers & support staff);
  • The Headteacher
  • Co-opted Governors – these governors are appointed by the Governing Body to represent the community that the school serves.
  • Local Authority Governors-these governors are suggested by the Local Authority to represent and support the school

Our Governors primary focus is to enable and support the Headteacher in their shared goal of providing the best education possible for the children at Scotts. They do this through meetings of the Governing Body and its committees and the formal and informal visits made to the school when they have an opportunity to talk to the children, staff and Headteacher.

The Governing Body meet on a termly basis to discuss current issues and future plans; it considers the work of the committees and receives recommendations. The Finance committee also meet on a termly basis and have the opportunity to discuss and consider ideas, proposals and plans to enhance and improve the school.

If you have any questions for the Governing Body the Chair of Governors can be contacted by email.

Click here for appointment information for our Governing Body.

Please click to see the Terms of reference for our Resources Committee.

Please click to see the Terms of reference for our Teaching and Learning committee.

Governing Body Committee information.

Governors meetings - Please click to see the attendance record for academic year 2023 - 2025

Chair of Governors

My name is Tracey Walker and I have been associated with Scotts Primary school for 35 years. Firstly as a parent and chair of the Friends of Scotts Association (FOSA), then as the School Business Manager for the last 21 years. I was also a staff governor for 12 of those years.

During this time I have witnessed first hand the extreme dedication and commitment of the staff to the development and well being of every child that has passed through the school. All children are given outstanding opportunities, support and time to enable them to achieve their full potential in a safe and happy environment.

I am very much looking forward to continuing my journey with Scotts by supporting the school in which ever way I can as a governor.

Co-opted Governor

Teaching and Learning committee

Inclusion Governor

My name is Lindsey Griffin. I am a retired teacher and I taught for twenty-one years at Scotts. I look forward to working with the school to maintain its very high standards whilst continuing to support and care for both pupils and staff. I hope it will remain family orientated school offering a broad and varied curriculum, offering children exciting opportunities and encouraging them to become active, confident members of society.



Parent Governor

Resources committee 

Hi, my name is Chinmay Pandit. We moved in this area a few years ago so that our son starts his primary education from a school with excellent track record.

I work as an Engineering Consultant for a Car Manufacturing company based in Essex. I have worked in number of Business & Project Management Teams over the years. When I was at the University doing master’s degree, I have carried out multiple roles working with Students’ Union to help/ support students. I always try my best to help people/ community using my knowledge & experience over the years.

Other than work, I enjoy Photography, Cricket and collecting modern British coins.

Local Authority Governor

Resources committee

Safeguarding governor, including filtering and monitoring

My name is Tony Bonham and as a local Havering resident and an employee of one of the partners of Governors for Schools, I am delighted to have the opportunity to be a member of the Scotts Primary School, governing team. By being a school governor, this allows me to give something back to the local community, at the same time I can learn more about the Education system and apply the skills which I have acquired from having a 30 year career in Banking services, to help support the wellbeing of the school.
I look forward to working with both parents and teachers, to assist in maintaining and enhancing the high standards which are currently being achieved by Scotts, whilst delivering a feasible and well-rounded school curriculum, in a welcoming environment, thereby ensuring that each pupil has the opportunity to be the best they can be.



Vice Chair

Co-opted Governor

Teaching and Learning committee

I'm the Reverend Lisa Bewick and I'm Associate Vicar at St Andrew's Church, Hornchurch. I'm still quite new to Hornchurch; I moved here in 2021. 
Before I came to Hornchurch, I looked after the schools' education programme at Southwark Cathedral in London, and before that I was a teacher. I taught in secondary schools for eight years and then moved to primary school, where I taught Year 6 for two years.
I believe it's really important that school is a place where a love of learning can be shared, and where children are supported so that they can reach their full potential.
I'm looking forward to getting to know the school community and to working with the other governors as we seek to support different parts of life at Scotts and uphold the vision and values that make the school an outstanding place of learning, where children are truly cared for.

Parent Governor

Resources committee

Hi, my name is Russell Winston. I have lived in Hornchurch my whole life and have 2 children at the school in years 3 and 6.  In my professional career I started life as an accountant/auditor, moving on through a job doing data analysis and report writing before my current role in banking doing large corporate loans that I have done across 3 banks for almost 18 years, basically anything involving numbers and a spreadsheet.

In my life outside work, I have been in scouting my whole life including various leader roles and have been the Treasurer for FoSA since January 2019. 

In my free time I like watching films, gaming and also watching any sports as long as there’s someone to support.  My favourites being F1, cycling and football.

Associate Governor

Teaching and Learning committee

My name is Dal Grewal and I am a parent of 2 children at the school who are in year 6 and 4.
I have lived in Hornchurch for over 40 years and am currently the chair for the Hacton Police Ward Panel. This allows me to work directly with the local councillors and police officers to raise concerns of the residents around local crime and anti-social behaviour. 
I am very passionate about the school and the town and have been campaigning for better road safety, especially around the school gates. I have spoken to the leader of the council with regards to this and the condition of the alleyway alongside the school which many of you use. This has resulted in clearance of the leaves in the alleyway and regular visits from the councillors to ensure the issues are taken care of to minimise the risk to children. I will continue to apply pressure on the council to ensure that pupils, local children and residents receive the services they should be receiving in this period of cutbacks.

Co-opted Governor

Teaching and Learning committee

I'm the Reverend Ken Wylie, Vicar at St Andrew's Church, Hornchurch. That's my official title though it is entirely thanks to Scotts Primary School that I am more readily known as Rev Ken. 

 I have lived in Hornchurch since 2014 which is when I was first introduced to Scotts. I have visited regularly through the years for assemblies as well as having the privilege of welcoming the whole school community to St Andrew's for your annual Christmas Concert.

My hope, as a priest in the church, is that I am able to serve the community in which I live so I was thrilled to be asked to be a Governor during this year. That said it is quite a daunting task, as we, the Board of Governors, seek to work alongside the school on helping to continue to deliver the outstanding education that Scotts is known for. I will do my utmost to fulfil this role and I look forward to meeting or catching up with you at school in due course.

Co-opted Governor

Teaching and Learning committee


My name is Brendan Isaac; I am a parent of a child in Reception so excited to be the beginning of the journey as a member of the Scotts community.

Professionally, I bring valuable experience and insight working as an Assistant Headteacher at an all-through school in a neighbouring borough.  I have experience in Teaching and Learning, Continuing Professional Development, staff wellbeing and Pupil Voice. I'm committed to realising the achieving a nurturing, high-performing environment.
Throughout my career, I've championed educational improvement, guiding consistent positive change and ensuring strong outcomes for pupils.  I believe purpose-focused teachers and engaged, well-supported students are  keys to educational success.
I look forward to collaborating with all stakeholders including pupils, parents, dedicated staff, and the wider school community. Together, we can work together to create a brighter future for all our children. 
I have a passion for the arts and sports. I look forward to contributing my skills and perspectives to this role.